Men have always wondered how they can enlarge their penis.
In ancient times, massage and exercise techniques were invented, modern inventors developed erotic toys and plastic surgeons developed penis enlargement operations.
Penis enlargement
An important question is whether we should increase a member? There are a large number of penis enlargement methods, no one hides them. However, to truly increase the reproductive organ, it will take a lot of effort and time to sacrifice. Otherwise, the result will not appear.
There are many innovative ways, such as a vacuum pump or accessory, that improve the penis quickly and quickly. They are very erotic toys, they cannot visually impress a girl on the first date or increase her self-esteem.
However, an important question is: is it necessary to improve self-esteem by enlarging the penis? After all, a whole world of conquests and occupations is open to any man, in whose field he can become the best. Imagine a successful businessman and family man who is complex about penis size - a strange image. Sometimes a woman's love and attention is enough to forget her embarrassment and anxiety, which arose due to the alleged lack of penis size. Talk to your partner to see if she will immediately resolve your concerns. In addition, the genitals of regular partners tend to adapt to each other's size.
With the advent of sex shops, penis inserts have also become famous. On the one hand, this decision is one hundred percent, on the other - very controversial. The attachment is easy to meet your needs. Most couples prefer an accessory that enlarges the penis by 4 to 7 centimeters. Of course, the sex toy market is ready to satisfy the most sophisticated tastes and, in almost every department, you will find accessories that extend the penis by ten or more centimeters.

Attachments are divided into two types - closed and open. The closed ones allow you to increase not only the width, but also the length. However, in them the front of the penis and especially the head are closed, which significantly reduces the sensitivity during sex. In many cases, this can be an advantage, as it simultaneously solves the problem of premature ejaculation.
Open nozzles come in several ways. As a rule, sex shop customers prefer a variety of striated or rugged models that add variety to female sensations. However, open nipples can only make the penis wider - the head remains open in them. Perhaps, if your girlfriend is not exactly the diameter of your penis, the choice is yours.
The great disadvantage of attachment is that, in many cases, it only confirms its internal complexes, which are often unjustified. By putting on the penis sleeve and feeling its size, you feel far from who you would like it to be. Therefore, it is best to use attachment exclusively as an element of sexual play and experience, and not on an ongoing basis.
Vacuum pump
The vacuum pump is also a comparative novelty in the sex market. This device has a great advantage over the accessory - your penis is enlarged, but nothing interferes with the contact with your partner. Therefore, many men in a permanent relationship prefer the pump.
To use the pump, it is best to pre-fix the tap ring at its base.
Next, we insert the penis into the vacuum pump space, making sure that its connection to the pubic skin is firm enough. We begin to pump air from the space in which the penis is located. Make sure that the tension does not become too strong - this can break the capillaries or foreskin, which can cause discomfort. Having forced the air to the limit of a comfortable state, we break the vacuum and start a new air. We repeat the procedure, at most - for ten minutes. When we are satisfied with the result, remove the pump by gently lowering the tap ring from the base of the pump to the base of the penis.
Thanks to this procedure, the penis will increase in size and the erection ring will consolidate the result, preventing blood from leaving the corpora cavernosa. It is undesirable to remain in this state for more than half an hour - blood circulation in the penis can deteriorate.
An additional advantage of a vacuum pump is that, thanks to the laws of physics, a member of it simply cannot help but get up. Negative air pressure will defeat any psychological rigidity or insecurity that prevents you from achieving a stable erection. And an excess of blood will cause the sensitivity to decrease - consequently, the duration of sexual intercourse will increase.
Over time, most men are dissatisfied with their penis size. That was how jelqing was born - an old-fashioned technique that appeared simultaneously in many ancient cultures. It is mentioned in the sources of ancient Egypt, Greece, India and Arabia.
The technique is based on the fact that we manually pump as much blood into the penis as possible over time.

The results of jelqing increase the penis permanently and permanently, but classes must be regular, otherwise, nothing will work.
Cavernous bodies get used to absorbing more blood due to irritation, and the penis grows, especially at the time of erection.
Jelqing must not be done dry. It is best to do this after vaporizing your penis in a bathtub or bathtub. The classic wet workout involves taking a thick towel and moistening it with hot water. Dry the penis firmly with it, fill the towel with hot water again. We squeeze the penis with it again, and repeat this at least ten times, making sure that the water in the towel is always hot.
If there is no time or opportunity for such a preparatory procedure, you can jelqing using ordinary massage oil - but the result will be less impressive.
Jelqing should be performed at the time the erection has already occurred, but has not yet reached its limit.
When the penis is completely filled with blood, you need to wait and stop moving for a while. For jelqing, grab the penis with two fingers at the base and squeeze it very slowly to the head. The movement should take at least three seconds. Withdrawing the hand, immediately grasp the penis with the fingers of the other hand and repeat the same action. In the beginning, five minutes will be sufficient, over time you can increase the manual session to a quarter of an hour. It is best to practice every other day.
Let 9 out of 10 cases the problem of small size is far-reaching, there are situations where it is necessary to enlarge the penis in order for a man to have a normal sex life. And there are also representatives of the strong sex who are willing to pay any money for a raise. Plastic surgery helps these patients.
Various surgical means to enlarge the penis. The most popular is to trim the ligament that holds the hidden part inside the penis (ligamentotomy) or to fill the penis with the patient's own fat (lipofilling). An innovative method of enlarging the penis is the skin graft, in which small pieces of skin are cut from the patient's armpits and sewn under the foreskin.
Load extender and suspension

The most controversial way to increase a member. Extenders and weight suspension work on the same principle - they lengthen the penis. Due to this method, it absorbs more blood and the corpora cavernosa receive microtrauma. Consequently, new tissue grows inside the penis. But extenders and weights are dangerous enough. A man at the time of exercise with an extender or suspended weight does not control the tension and can cause significant injuries. Especially if he is overzealous.
Therefore, it is recommended that you use these exercises very carefully. At the very least, you should pay more attention to a little warm-up - pull the penis with your hands in different directions until mild discomfort appears. You need to warm up like that for ten minutes. Also, to be on the safe side, take a steam bath or hot tub as before jelqing.
Start with a light weight or low tension on the extender. Over time, increase the strength of the impact and your time. But do this very carefully while listening to your body. Remember that you will always have time to enlarge your penis, but it can be difficult to heal an injury.