Penis size is a cause for concern for teenagers, but even after the age of 20, when the body stops growing, men worry about whether their penis is big enough to satisfy their loved one.

Surgical intervention is permitted only when indicated. Therefore, those who are dissatisfied with themselves begin to look for other paths. How to enlarge your penis at home and that various self-extension methods and technologies are needed to achieve this, it is important to choose the most suitable one for you.
Suspended loads, hangers

You need to purchase penis hangers, created according to the Hanger prototype, from trusted manufacturers. Before using the hanger, empty the bladder. It is not recommended to drink liquids 1 hour before use. The device does not suspend if there is an erection. Before the procedure, the penis is steamed with warm water. The hanger should not be used on bare skin. Before use, the penis is wrapped in a bandage or cotton cloth. The usage algorithm is as follows:
- The hanger is fixed 3 cm above the organ head.
- After fixing, lightly squeeze the blood from the head.
- One approach lasts 20 to 40 minutes.
- The minimum weight for a beginner is selected.
- 2 or 3 approaches are performed per day.
- Rest between sets lasts at least 20 minutes.
It is recommended to train with loads for 3 days with one day of rest, or 5 days with two days off. Disadvantages of the system include the traumatic nature of the technique. The advantage of the program is to increase the size of the penis by several centimeters in just a few months.
What is the normal size of the penis

If you believe the statistics, the average worldwide size of the erect penis ranges from 10 cm to 18 cm. Naturally, there are deviations up and down, but this is usually due to geography (or race), heredity or various pathologies (in the case of incredibly small or large in size).
When asking girls and middle-aged women about the size of the penis they consider ideal for successful sexual intercourse, respondents focused on the thickness of the male genital organ rather than its length. According to girls, thickness is important and the greater it is, the more pleasure they receive and the more often they experience vaginal orgasm.
Folk remedies
Traditional medicine has a large list of remedies and recipes that are appropriate for use in combination with other penis enlargement methods. Various medicinal herbs have proven themselves well, as have soft drinks and beekeeping products. A man needs to choose the ideal recipe for himself and practice it strictly according to the instructions.
Paying attention to the composition of dietary supplements and penis enlargement medications means knowing the herbs that can give this result. Experts identify the following plants to increase the length and thickness of the phallus:
- EpimediumKorean mountain weed, which can cure erectile dysfunction and affect the size of the male reproductive organ. The main substance in the plant is icariin, which dilates the blood vessels and corpora cavernosa of the penis, increasing erection.
- Ginsenga proven remedy that increases blood flow to the penis after the first use. The penis becomes more filled with blood, which means it becomes thicker and longer.
- Eurycoma longifoliaMalaysian ginseng, which also dilates the corpora cavernosa of the penis and accelerates local blood flow. Furthermore, the plant increases sperm volume in men and libido levels.
You can collect herbs yourself, dry them and prepare tinctures, decoctions and infusions based on them. You can also find herbal preparations in the form of tablets and capsules that initially contain these herbs.
Recipe with honey
Another popular way to enlarge the penis is to use honey, a method that has received approval from most urologists and andrologists. It should be used as follows:
- take the solution and honey, mix the components until a homogeneous mass is formed and apply regularly internally;
- add walnuts to honey, taking a tablespoon on an empty stomach every morning;
- add hazelnuts, walnuts and rose hips to honey, chop and beat the dough, using 1 to 2 spoons a day.

Honey is a natural aphrodisiac that has the most beneficial effect on a man's sexual sphere. Therefore, such recipes need to be used in combination with other methods and for the prevention of sexual disorders.
Enlarge your penis at home
There are several popular ways to enlarge your penis at home that are circulating online and in rumors. Let's take a look at the most popular of them and find out what works and what is just a marketing ploy for the desperate.
Increase penis size with baking soda
Yes, yes, you heard it right and it didn't seem right to you. Penis size can be increased with regular baking soda.
Some representatives of alternative medicine recommend taking 150 ml of water daily with a teaspoon of soda diluted in it.
This solution has a beneficial effect on the body, eliminates toxins and thus improves the quality and duration of sexual intercourse. However, there is no reliable data confirming penis enlargement as a result of drinking soda solution.
The second way to enlarge your penis with soda is to take hot baths. We take the same solution that we talked about above and place the male genital organ in it for 2 to 5 minutes. It is advisable to carry out this procedure one hour to 40 minutes before sexual intercourse.
The effect of this method is due to the improvement of blood circulation and the dilation of the blood vessels in the penis. That is, during an erection, you can expect an increase in its normal size of one to two centimeters in length and the same amount in width. It is worth considering that the regularity of taking hot baths with soda is important, as the effect is temporary and nothing will happen all at once.
Penis enlargement pump

Cunning scientists have invented an amazing device - a special pump for enlarging the penis at home. The pump works under a vacuum and is used not only to increase the size of a man's penis, but also for various diseases, for example, erectile dysfunction, after prostate surgery or rehabilitation after radiotherapy. In general, it is a complete benefit and only.
Pump working principle
You place your penis in the pump and create a vacuum effect inside it using a special hand pump (or by pressing a button if the pump is electric). With a uniform increase in pressure, blood circulation in the penis is activated and it increases in size, much more than during a natural erection.
Pros and cons of using a pump to enlarge your penis
This method is the most harmless and if the pump is used correctly, it is impossible to cause any injury to yourself. However, with frequent use, small bruises and bruises may occur due to injury to blood vessels located close to the skin.
How many centimeters can you enlarge your penis with a pump? If you believe the reviews of real people, then 10% for sure. However, keep in mind that the effect of penis enlargement does not last forever, it usually lasts a few hours and after a while the penis returns to normal size.
If you use the pump regularly, you can achieve a permanent effect, but in this case you will need to use it several times a day for years. And this frequency threatens with lymphatic edema and darkening of the skin.
Exercises to increase the size of your manhood

There are several exercises to increase penis size. They are intended to stretch the corpora cavernosa of the penis and can remind you of erotic massage or masturbation with a certain set of rules. The main method of enlarging the penis at home with the help of exercises is called jelqing.
Jelqing Technique
Before performing the exercises, it is necessary to properly warm up the penis. This will protect you from injury and minimize the pain that can occur when you exercise too intensely. Prepare a makeshift heating pad. Heat some table salt in a dry frying pan and place it in a sock. Apply a warm sock to the penis, one at a time, to warm it on all sides. If you don't want to bother with a heating pad, use a warm, damp washcloth or take a shower, but don't sit there for too long.
After warming up your penis, start jelqing.
- Apply lubricant to the entire length of the penis.
- Connect your thumb and index finger to form a round letter.
- Start moving your penis up and down, causing slight stimulation but not leading to a full erection.
- Now, when moving, apply a little force, as if you were squeezing the penis. Pull the ring through your fingers very slowly (for 30 seconds) and avoid the head of the penis. 50 repetitions will be enough.
- Then you can start squeezing with your palms. Place the penis between your open palms and, applying a little force, squeeze it for 10 seconds and then pull it sideways and forward. Repeat 50 times.
By doing these simple exercises twice a day, you will get good results in penis enlargement. Keep in mind that the most important thing in jelqing is the regularity of the exercises. A week after starting jelqing, you can increase the number of repetitions to 100 or 200, at your discretion and well-being. If you believe the reviews of men who regularly practice jelqing, on average they managed to increase their size by 2 cm.

Penis enlargement with hormones
Penis enlargement with the help of hormones is possible, but only if you are not over 15 years old. This is a huge disappointment. Otherwise, you will experience several negative effects from taking hormones.
Among bodybuilders, there is an opinion that taking the hormone gonadotropin has a beneficial effect on the penis and provokes its growth. In fact, there will be more side effects from this therapy. Yes, gonadotropin improves erection and the quality of sexual intercourse, but this is where all the advantages end and problems begin, or more precisely, hormonal disruption in the body.
There is also an opinion that testosterone is capable of renewing penis growth, and what did not grow in adolescence during the increase in this hormone will grow during hormone therapy. But in practice, it turns out that taking testosterone has an effect on only 5% of those who want to enlarge their penis, which is comparable to zero effectiveness.
Special exercises to enlarge the male organ
The most important way to increase the length and diameter of the penis is through exercises that will make the organ's cells and tissues more elastic and extensible. Furthermore, exercise helps to improve local blood circulation and, as is known, its size during erection directly depends on the blood flow to the phallus.
Jelqing Technique
To properly enlarge a man's penis with results that last for a long time, it is worth considering some exercise techniques. The most popular and approved by doctors is the ancient Jelqing technique, which was also used by Africans and Indians. The principle of performing the exercises resembles milking with massage movements.

Exercises should be performed in a semi-erect state, no more than 60-75% of total strength. There are two exercises:
- First, the cavernous bodies of the organ need to be warmed up a little so that they become elastic and flexible. You can take heated salt, wrap it in a cloth bag and apply it to your genitals. Next, the organ is lubricated with lubricant, stimulated a little, and a ring is made around the base, securing it with the fingers. This ring is moved to the base of the head, after which the exercise is repeated 40 times.
- The organ is prepared following the same principle, now it is attached with the entire palm at the base. First you need to hold the penis by the root for 10 seconds, but in such a way that its entire length is covered by the palm of your hand. Then, pressing firmly, but without pain or discomfort, the penis should be pulled to the right, left, up and down.
To begin with, 30-40 repetitions of both exercises will be enough, but over time their number can increase to 200. It is important that the technique is practiced regularly for a long time, at least 1 month or more.
To increase the length of your penis, you need to regularly perform a simple exercise that involves stretching it. To do this, the organ also needs to be slightly heated so as not to damage cells and tissues. It is very important that the organ is relaxed, otherwise the erection will prevent the corpora cavernosa from stretching.

First, the organ is held by the head and then pulled forward. It is held taut for about 15 seconds, after which it is weakened by exposure and the organ is allowed to rest for a while. Following the same principle, the phallus is stretched to the right and left sides, repeating the exercise in a circle. The exercise will be correct if there is no pain.
Suspended loads
You can increase the size of the phallus at home, without medications or doctors, using another technique - hanging weights. But you need to understand that this is a rather traumatic method that requires attention and moderation. Its essence is to stretch the corpora cavernosa and ligaments of the penis with the help of weight.
You can perform the exercise in the following way:
- the genital organ needs to be warmed up with a gentle massage;
- near the head itself it is necessary to fix an adhesive plaster, with which a cord is attached to the penis;
- small weights are suspended from the rope;
- You need to stay in this position for 25 minutes to start.

During exercise, it is important that the head of the penis does not feel numbness or pain, otherwise the organ may suffer damage. To begin with, select the minimum load, gradually increasing the weight and duration of the exercise.
Penis enlargement surgery: quick and effective

In the modern world of plastic surgery, operations to increase the length and width of the penis have become very popular. Let's find out how this is done and, in general, why.
Increasing penis width with implants
The penile prosthesis is indicated for men with erectile dysfunction and any diseases (congenital or acquired) that may affect the ability to have sexual intercourse.
All prostheses are selected individually and, depending on the type and cost, have their own characteristics. Thus, the latest generation of prostheses are special inflatable and hydraulic prostheses, which are introduced into the corpora cavernosa and perform the lost functions.
Increasing penis volume with injections
To increase the width and volume of the penis, two types of injections are used. The first involves injecting your own fatty tissue into the penis and is called lipolifting. Incredibly safe and fast method, rehabilitation takes no more than a few days.
The second type of injection is filling with hyaluronic acid. Using a syringe with a microneedle, a special gel is injected into the penis, which fills the space under the skin and increases the volume of the penis along its entire length by 1-2 cm.
Penis lengthening through surgery
Ligamentotomy is the name for an operation to increase the length of a man's penis by cutting the suspensory ligament of the penis. Modern medicine uses a laser that cuts a special ligament that holds the penis in the perineum. In this way, you can increase the length of your penis by 3-5 cm and the operation itself will take no more than 15 minutes.

Breed and size
But there is a relationship between race and average performance. Asians can boast of the most modest calibers. For them, 10 cm is the norm. But among Africans it is the opposite, where 16-17 cm is considered the average size. In our country and in other Slavic countries, such as Europe, this number occupies the golden mean of 13-14 cm. The record holder in the field of phallometry is an organ with a diameter of 15 cm or more and a length of 33 cm. And there is nothing to envy here: it is unlikely that the individual described in the 20th century could have had full sexual intercourse.
How to enlarge your penis quickly at home
There are many ways to enlarge your penis at home, depending on the timing of the results:
- jelqing in a complex can add an inch in a month;
- Kegel complex;
- massage;
- charge;
- medicinal augmentation;
- extender effect in two days;
- pump vacuum;
- cream;
- nozzles
The result of which method is more reliable?
Using gels, creams, special foods, dietary supplements and tablets, you can achieve stimulation of blood flow, improved erection, prolongation of intimate intercourse and, in general, better self-control during sex. These penis enlargement methods at home create conditions for growth rather than stimulating it.
Doing special exercises, complex types of massage, regular jelqing and hanging, you can count on an increase in the length and girth of the penis, but rather slowly.
But how to enlarge your penis at home and get lasting results without negative consequences? Experts and andrologists strongly recommend using high-quality extenders combined with stretchers, and complementing and securing the result using pumps and hydropumps as auxiliary devices. And only as a last resort should you resort to surgical intervention.
How to enlarge your penis in a week
Suspended loads
Hanging weights on the penis is a quick but quite dangerous way. Weight affects the ligaments of the corpora cavernosa, which helps to extend the length and enlarge the penis. A slight increase in the penis is possible in a week, and in 2 weeks a result of 1. 5-2 cm is visible. What is needed to enlarge the male organ in 7 days:
- Preheat the penis.
- Secure the patch with a string.
- Hang a minimum load.
- Stay in this state for up to half an hour. If numbness is felt, the weight is removed.
The load increases depending on the man's feelings. But sudden actions can cause damage and injuries.
Or you can use vacuum systems. Video review:
An extender is another tool that helps you enlarge your penis in a week. You can choose vacuum, loop or belt. Looped is more cost-effective, but does not offer the same convenience as other types. The essence of the extender is to stretch the phallus, so the tissues grow and get rid of discomfort. The result is not short-term, but if abused it can affect potency. Recommended use up to two hours a day.
Is it possible to make your penis thicker?
You can increase the diameter of your penis. If it is not too thin, it is possible to increase the volume with the help of home exercises - manual techniques and pumping. This is possible because the tissues tend to stretch, resulting in an increase in the capacity of the corpora cavernosa and the tunica area.
If the diameter of the penis is critically small, it makes sense to resort to minimally invasive techniques (hyaluronic acid injection, lipofilling) or surgical plastic surgery. The simplest and most painless option for thickening is special accessories.
Foods for a big penis
Proper nutrition is another guarantee of good health and normal functioning of the male reproductive system. To increase penis size naturally, you need to consume as many of the following foods as possible:
- Watermelonberry components accelerate blood flow, including local blood circulation in the tissues of the penis.
- Protein productsThis substance is responsible for testosterone levels and the growth of muscle tissue, which means that men need to regularly consume eggs, meat and milk.
- Nutssource of all male vitamins and substances that increase testosterone synthesis.
- Seafoodnatural aphrodisiacs, as well as sources of zinc, which increase testosterone levels and male sexual performance.
- Vegetablesin particular spinach, celery, parsley, which also increase testosterone and improve overall health.
Vegetable oils, herbal teas, as well as dark chocolate, berries, fresh vegetables and fruits are considered good stimulants of sexual function.
How to enlarge your penis in a day
Within a day, you can get a short-term and permanent effect, quickly increasing it. One of the safest methods of penis growth is a special accessory. Can be used open or closed. Such a device is suitable for increasing dignity and strengthening erection in the long term. To lengthen it, it is recommended to choose a closed toe type.
It is recommended to choose a softer material to maintain sensitivity. Silicone and latex nozzles are practically not felt. A similar device is used for several hours. Many note that the results will be visible in a few days. And in three days the man already feels better in bed.
Particular attention is paid to creams and gels. The manufacturer guarantees results in 1 day, but this depends on the direct functions of the product. There are several types of medicines:
- short-term (act before sex);
- long-term (the effect is achieved in about 2 days);
- as an auxiliary means: if other methods of penis enlargement are used in parallel.
The most radical method, which not every man decides on, is surgery. In fact, the increase occurs within 3 days and the effect lasts a lifetime. Surgical intervention is more suitable for men with obvious deviations in the development of the penis.
Special exercises are useful for penis enlargement. This option is ideal for those who suffer from allergies and avoid applying various compounds to the penis. 3 exercises are considered the most effective, each of which will be discussed in detail below.

The easiest way to enlarge your penis at home is to stretch. The penis must be held by the head and pulled out. It is recommended to carry out the procedure from different angles. It is important to gradually increase the force of impact to avoid tissue damage. You should reserve 10 to 15 minutes for a stretching session, only under this condition will it be possible to obtain results.
Seated stretches
For this exercise it is necessary to leave the penis semi-erect. The essence of the method is that the penis is pulled down and back, after which the man sits on it. This gymnastics allows you to enlarge the base of the genital organ, lengthen it and increase its diameter. The mechanism of action is to increase pressure on the corpora cavernosa.
This gymnastics method also requires an incomplete erection. It is necessary to bend the penis in different directions, listening to your own sensations, it is important that there is no strong discomfort. If the manipulation causes pain, this exercise must be stopped immediately. Next time, you will need to act more carefully to avoid tissue injury.
Simulators to help
Regular use will increase the size of the penis by a few centimeters. Physiotherapeutic methods even correct the shape of the penis. The most common exercise equipment: extender, weights, vacuum pump, jelq machine. Its regular use helps to stretch the corpora cavernosa, filling them with blood. But the main characteristic of classes is that they must be regular and not exceed 15 minutes.